The GEDCOM Standard Release 5.5

Appendix D

ANSEL Character Set

The following tables show the spacing and non-spacing diacritic characters that are contained in the ANSEL set required by the languages supported by GEDCOM 5. This table was added to give help to those receiving the GEDCOM standard on disk. The graphic characters shown are not always accurate, however the name of the diacritic and the decimal equivalent should agree with the ANSEL standard.

        ANSEL Non-spacing graphic characters
HTML/   8-bit
SGML    C/R  wpcode Dec Graphic Name                          example of use
        14/0  2,4   224    à    low rising tone mark          càui
*grave  14/1  1,0   225    á    grave accent                  règle
*acute  14/2  1,6   226    ´    acute accent                  está
*circ   14/3  1,3   227    ^    circumflex accent             même
*tilde  14/4  1,2   228    ~    tilde                         niño
*macr   14/5  1,8   229    ¯    macron                        gājējs
*brev   14/6  1,22  230    æ    breve                         alt&abrev;
*dot    14/7  1,15  231    ç    dot above                     żaba
*uml    14/8  1,7   232    ¨    umlaut (diaeresis)            öppna
        14/9  1,19  233    é    hacek                         vézdy
*ring   14/10 1,14  234    ê    circle above (angstrm)        hår
        14/11 2,11  235    ë    ligature, left half           akademiiëëa
        14/12 2,12  236    ì    ligature, right hlf           akademiiììa
        14/13 1,10  237    í    high comma, off center        rozdeílovac
*dblac  14/14 1,16  238    î    double acute accent           időszaki
        14/15 2,25  239    ï    candrabindu                   Aliïiev
*cedil  15/0  2,15  240    ¸    cedilla                       ça
        15/1  2,17  241    ñ    right hook                    vietña
        15/2  2,0   242    ò    dot below                     teòda
        15/3  2,1   243    ó    double dot below              khuótbah
        15/4  2,3   244    ô    circle below                  Maharôsicaritamôrtam
        15/5  2,6   245    õ    double underscore             õGhulam
        15/6  2,7   246    ö    underscore                    samar
        15/7  2,16  247    ÷    left hook                     darzi÷na
        15/8  2,14  248    ø    right cedilla                 khøong
        15/9  2,9   249    ù    half circle below             ùhumantuùs
        15/10       250         double tilde, left half       úngalan
        15/11       251         double tilde, right hlf       ûngalan
        15/12 1,5   252    ü    diacritic slash through char (LDS extension)
        15/14 1,9   254    þ    high comma, centered          gþeotermika
        ANSEL Spacing graphic characters
HTML/   8-bit
SGML    C/R  wpcode Dec Graphic Name                          example of use
Lstrok  10/1  1,152 161    Ł    slash L - uppercase           ŁŁdŁ
Oslash  10/2  1,80  162    Ø    slash O - uppercase           Øst
Dstrok  10/3  1,78  163    Đ    slash D - uppercase           Đuro
THORN   10/4  1,88  164    Þ    thorn - uppercase             Þann
AElig   10/5  1,36  165    Æ    ligature AE - uppercase       Ægir
OElig   10/6  1,166 166    Œ    ligature OE - uppercase       Œuvre
        10/7  1,6   167    §    miagkii znak                  fakul§tet
#183    10/8  1,1   168    ·    middle dot                    novel·la
        10/9  5,28  169    ©    musical flat                  B©
        10/10 4,22  170    ª    patent mark                   ABCª
#177    10/11 6,1   171    ±    plus or minus                 A±B
        10/12 1,230 172    ¬    hook O - uppercase            B¬
        10/13 1,232 173    ­    hook U - uppercase            X­A
        10/14 1,11  174    ®    alif                          Un®yusho
        10/15       175                                       reserved - future
        11/0  2,11  176    °    ayn                           fa°il
lstrok  11/1  1,153 177    ł    slash l - lowercase           rozbił
oslash  11/2  1,81  178    ø    slash o - lowercase           høj
dstrok  11/3  1,79  179    đ    slash d - lowercase           đavola
thorn   11/4  1,89  180    þ    thorn - lowercase             þann
aelig   11/5  1,37  181    æ    ligature ae - lowercase       skæg
oelig   11/6  1,167 182    œ    ligature oe - lowercase       œuvre
        11/7  1,16  183    ·    tverdyi znak                  ob·iavlenie
inodot  11/8  1,24  184    ı    dotless i - lowercase         masalı
#163    11/9  4,11  185    £    British pound                 £5.00
eth     11/10       186    ð    eth
        11/11       187         reserved - future
        11/12 1,231 188    ¼    hook o - lowercase            S¼
        11/13 1,233 189    ½    hook u - lowercase            T½ D½c
        11/14       190         empty box (LDS-extension)
        11/15       191         black box (LDS-extension)
#176    12/0  6,33  192    °    degree sign                   10° C
        12/1  6,49  193    Á    script l                      25Á.
        12/2  4,71  194    Â    phonograph cpyright mrk       DeccaÂ
copy    12/3  4,23  195    ©    copyright mark                ©1993
        12/4  5,27  196    Ä    musical sharp                 DÄ
#191    12/5  4,8   197    ¿    inverted question mark        ¿Que
#161    12/6  4,7   198    ¡    inverted exclamtn mrk         ¡Esta
        12/13       205         e in middle of line (LDS extension)
        12/14       206         o in middle of line (LDS extension)
szlig   12/15 1,23  207    ß    Es Zet                        Preußen