From Thomas Speed's The Union Regiments of Kentucky.
Name | Rank | Company | Notes |
Kabler, Frederick | Private | I | |
Kabler, James E. | Private | I | |
Keatley, Henry S. | Private | I | |
Keel, John A. | Private | C | |
Keith, Joseph F. | Sergeant | I | |
Keller, Clarkson | Corporal | M | |
Kelley, Samuel B. | 2nd Lieutenant | H | |
Kelly, Elliott | Corporal | M | |
Kelly, James T. | Corporal | C | |
Kelly, John | Private | A | |
Kelly, John W. | Private | G | |
Kelly, William N. | Corporal | G | |
Kendall, Hamilton | Corporal | B | |
Kendall, Thomas | Private | A | |
Kendrick, Daniel | Private | E | |
Kendrick, Lilburn H. | Sergeant | F | |
Kenedy, David | Private | G | |
Kennedy, James T. | Private | D | |
Kestner, James H. | Private | F | |
Kibbe, Louis L. | Sergeant | F | |
Kidwell, Andrew J. | Private | A | |
Kilgore, John | Private | D | |
Kilgore, Joseph, Jr. | Private | D | |
Kilgore, Joseph, Sr. | Private | D | |
Kilgore, Richard | Private | D | |
Kinard, Elbridge | Private | G | |
Kincaid, Dyer B. | Sergeant | E | |
Kincaid, Joseph C. | Private | E | |
Kincaid, Mathew C. | Private | E | |
King, John | Private | L | |
King, Sebastian | Private | C | |
Kirk, David | Private | E | |
Kirk, Henry | Private | E | |
Kirk, William H. | Private | D | |
Kirkendoll, Wm. H. | Private | G | |
Kise, Americus | Saddler | G | |
Kitrick, David | Private | B | |
Knight, Charles K. | Sergeant | C | |
Knight, John W. | Private | C | |
Lambert, William C. | Wagoner | K | |
Lanagan, Peter A. | Sergeant | A | |
Large, Vinson F. | Private | F | |
Lathrem, Joab | Private | L | |
Lawless, James | Private | E | |
Lawlyes, John W. | Private | I | |
Lawwill, Job W. | Private | D | |
Lawwill, William H. | Sergeant | D | |
Leach, Algin | Private | B | |
Lee, Richard C. | Corporal | A | |
Lee, Thomas | Private | F | |
Legg, John W. | Private | M | |
Legroo, John | Private | K | |
Letts, John J. | Farrier | L | |
Levy, John P. | Private | C | |
Lewis, Fielding | Private | I | |
Lewis, George W. | Private | A | |
Lewis, James C. | Private | F | |
Lewis, John F. | Private | E | |
Lightfoot, John N. | Sergeant | G | |
Liker, James F. | Private | L | |
Linville, John | Private | E | |
Littlejohn, Joseph F. | Private | A | |
Littrell, Henry S. | Private | K | |
Livingston, William C. | Sergeant | M | |
Logsden, Andrew J. | Private | E | |
Lokey, Joseph T. | 1st Lieutenant | E | |
Lowry, James T. | Private | C | |
Lucas, John L. | Private | E | |
Luman, Gilbert A. | Sergeant | H | |
Luman, Joel T. | Private | G | |
Luman, Joshua | Private | G | |
Luman, Thomas M. | Sergeant | D | |
Lynam, Richard | Private | B | |
Lynch, William W. | Saddler | K | |
Macauley, Colbert | Private | F | |
Maddox, George R. | Private | L | |
Maddux, Joseph F. | Private | A | |
Madison, Darius W. | Sergeant | E | |
Magowen, Harrison | Private | H | |
Magowen, William | Private | H | |
Maguire, Samuel | Asst. Surgeon | Staff | |
Mains, Joseph | Private | E | |
Mallen, Samuel | Private | M | |
Maltby, R. R. | Lieutenant Colonel | Staff | |
Manning, Thomas | Private | M | |
Mannion, Michael | Corporal | D | |
Mark, Samuel G. | Private | H | |
Maros, Augustin P. | Private | D | |
Marshall, Milton | Private | H | |
Marshall, William L. | Private | A | |
Maston, John T. | Private | I | |
Mathias, Andrew A. | Private | K | |
May, William C. | Private | F | |
McCann, Alexander | Farrier | G | |
McCardy, Joseph J. | Sergeant | H | |
McCarthey, Milton | Sergeant | I | |
McClelland, C.J. | Brevet 2nd Lieutenant | D | |
McClurg, Josiah | Private | C | |
McConnel, Nathan H. | Sergeant | F | |
McCord, George L. | 1st Lieutenant | I | |
McCord, Hiram B. | Private | C | |
McCord, Thomas F. | Private | C | |
McCormick, Michael | Private | D | |
McCue, James | Private | B | |
McDaniel, James | Private | H | |
McDaniel, John | Private | G | |
McDonald, Henry C. | Private | I | |
McDonald, Samuel | Private | E | |
McDowell, John | Private | I | |
McFerron, Wm. J. | Private | M | |
McGowan, Harvey | Private | A | arrested September 5, 1863, for assault on a commissioned officer and forwarded to Louisville for trial |
McGowan, William | Private | K | |
McGraty, Dennis | Private | L | |
McGreever, Cornelius | Private | H | |
McGregor, James M. | Sergeant | L | |
McGuire, William | Private | K | |
McIlvain, James | Farrier | C | |
McIntire, Alfred D. | Corporal | H | |
McIntosh, James | Corporal | H | |
McIntosh, William | Private | E | |
McKee, Andrew S. | Private | L | |
McKee, George | Private | A | |
McKee, James | Private | A | |
McKellup, Marcellus | Private | G | |
McKinley, Amos | Corporal | E | |
McLain, Joseph | Private | B | |
McMahan, Henry P. | Private | E | |
McMichael, Samuel | Sergeant | B | |
Meadous, Alexander | Private | G | |
Meadous, William | Private | G | |
Meeker, Benjamin F. | Private | I | |
Mendal, John T. | Private | H | |
Merril, Samuel | Private | I | |
Metcalfe, Eli P. | Corporal | E | |
Michael, M. Bolan | Sergeant | M | |
Middleton, Louis | Private | G | |
Miller, Jacob | Private | E | |
Miller, James W. | Private | C | |
Miller, Louis | Private | F | |
Minear, Joshua | Private | G | |
Minor, Ellis | Private | B | |
Mitchel, Thomas W. | Sergeant | I | |
Mitchell, Edward | Private | D | |
Moffett, Garrett D. | Sergeant | B | |
Molone, John R. | Sergeant | E | |
Montgomery, Stephen | Private | K | |
Moody, Joseph | Private | A | |
Moody, Martin P. | Farrier | A | |
Moore, George W. | Private | B | |
Moore, Isaac | Sergeant | E | |
Moore, John F. | 2nd Lieutenant | D | |
Moore, John F. | Commissary | Staff | |
Moore, John T. E. | Private | I | |
Moore, Leroy F. | Corporal | K | |
Moore, Thomas E. | Private | M | |
More, Tolifaro Y. | Corporal | L | |
Moreland, George W. | Private | B | |
Moreland, Newton | Private | B | |
Morent, William | Private | F | |
Morford, Samuel E. | Private | D | |
Morgan, David P. | Private | H | |
Morgan, John C. | Private | H | |
Morgan, John C. | Private | H | |
Morgan, John V. | Private | H | |
Morgan, Nathan | Teamster | F | |
Morgan, Willis | Private | L | |
Morris, James | Private | D | |
Morris, John R. | Sergeant | E | |
Morrison, Henry C. | Private | L | |
Morrison, Wm. W. | Private | E | |
Morrissey, Christopher | Private | D | |
Mott, Frank | Captain | F | |
Mott, John J. | Private | L | |
Mullens, Elias | Sergeant | K | |
Mulvey, James C. | Private | H | |
Murphey, Archibald | Private | G | |
Mutschelknans, John | Farrier | C | |
Myers, Alonzo | Private | B | |
Myers, Benjamin F. | Corporal | B | |
Myers, Edgar | Private | B | |
Myers, George J. | Private | D | |
Myers, John | Wagoner | F | |
Myers, Phillips | Private | E | |
Nailor, Alfred | Private | E | |
Nash, Charles T. | Private | G | |
Nealis, Charles | Wagoner | L | |
Nealis, Charles R. | Private | L | |
Neaves, Nimrod | Private | E | |
Nelson, Jacob | Captain | K | |
Newkirk, Joseph | Private | E | |
Newman, John F. | Teamster | B | |
Nickoson, Francis M. | Private | I | |
Nodler, Vincent | Private | K | |
Nolen, Epison | Private | K | |
Nolen, John F. | Private | D | |
Norman, Elbert | Private | G | |
Nute, Charles | Captain | H | |
O'Conner, James | Private | H | |
Oldham, George W. | Private | D | |
Oliver, Theodore | Private | M | |
O'Maley, Patrick | Private | D | |
Ormstead, John W. | Private | F | |
Orndorf, Elisha | Private | F | |
Ort, Lewis P. | Chief Bugler | Staff | |
Ort, Louis P. | Bugler | D | |
Otto, Frederick | Sergeant | D | |
Ousley, Edward | Private | F | |
Outten, Caburn D. | Sergeant | D | |
Overley, William H. | Teamster | C | |
Overly, Jonathan | Private | C | |
Overly, Robert H. | Private | C | |
Overly, Thos. P. | Private | C | |
Overton, Creed | Private | L | |
Overturff, Harvey M. | Private | E | |
Owens, Ambrose D. | Wagoner | H | |
Owens, Athelston | Private | I | |
Owens, Edward | Corporal | I | |
Owens, George H. | Sergeant | C | |
Owens, Jerry D. | Sergeant | A | |
Owens, Thomas | Private | A | |
Owsley, Henry W. | Private | F | |
Palmer, Clinton C. | Private | E | |
Parker, John L. | Sergeant | G | |
Parker, William H. | Private | L | |
Parsons, William J. | Private | C | |
Patten, Samuel E. | Private | A | |
Patton, Joseph A. | Sergeant | B | |
Paul, John | Private | I | |
Paul, John, Jr. | Private | I | |
Payne, Isaac C. | Private | D | |
Paynter, Francis M. | Private | A | |
Paynter, Robert | Private | A | |
Paynter, Thomas | Private | A | |
Pearce, John A. | Private | L | |
Pearce, John M. | Private | L | |
Peed, Charles | Corporal | H | |
Pell, Christopher | Private | G | |
Pendlan, Wm. W. | Private | L | |
Penix, Robert | Private | K | |
Peppin, Gustavus | Private | G | |
Perat, William | Private | B | |
Perkins, John | Private | L | |
Perkins, Joseph | Private | L | |
Perkins, Louis | Private | B | |
Pernel, James M. | Private | H | |
Perry, Henry L. | Private | M | |
Pervis, Hiram | Private | L | |
Pesterfield, Wm. | Private | M | |
Philips, Darius | Private | I | |
Pickers, John A. | Sergeant | M | |
Plank, Andrew | Private | C | |
Plank, Francis M. | Private | C | |
Plank, Jacob | Teamster | C | |
Plummer, Abram | Private | G | |
Plummer, Martin P. | Private | G | |
Plummer, Orlando | Private | G | |
Poe, Joseph | Private | M | |
Poe, Wm. J. | Private | I | |
Pohlman, John | Private | B | |
Pollitte, Henry | Private | G | |
Polly, Jackson | Private | G | |
Porter, James W. | Private | G | |
Poteet, David G. R. | Private | F | |
Power, Lawson S. | Private | H | |
Powers, John W. | Corporal | A | |
Powers, Joseph C. | Private | D | |
Prather, Eli F. | Private | L | |
Prather, George W. | Farrier | K | |
Prather, Thomas | Corporal | I | |
Prichard, Thomas | Farrier | F | |
Pritchard, Charles N. | Sergeant | F | |
Pritchard, James | Private | K | |
Pumpelly, Benj. A. | Corporal | I | |
Quinlin, Newton | Private | E | |
Rader, Andrew J. | Private | M | |
Ragsdale, Edward G. | Private | M | |
Rainey, Edward A. | Private | B | |
Rainey, Wm. S. | Corporal | B | |
Ratcliffe, Wm. D. | Captain | E | |
Rathburn, Francis M. | Captain | M | |
Ray, Larkin | Private | I | |
Rebarker, Frank | Private | E | |
Rednours, James | Private | M | |
Reed, Daniel W. | Private | H | |
Reese, Amos | Private | E | |
Reese, Richard | Private | M | |
Reeves, Benjamin F. | Private | L | |
Reeves, Henry C. | Private | A | |
Reeves, James F. | Private | L | |
Reeves, Noah | Private | L | |
Reeves, Spencer | Private | L | |
Reeves, Wm. T. | Corporal | L | |
Regan, David | Private | A | |
Reighley, William A. | Private | E | |
Resel, Leander A. | Private | C | |
Revore, John | Private | E | |
Reynolds, John P. | Private | K | |
Rice, Charles | Private | F | |
Rice, Charles W. | Sergeant | C | |
Rice, Henry J. | Private | C | |
Rice, Jesse | Private | H | |
Rice, William E. | Captain | C | |
Rice, William M. | Private | E | |
Richards, John | Private | L | |
Rickman, Pleasant H. | Private | F | |
Riddell, John | Private | M | |
Riddle, Andrew R. | Farrier | B | |
Riddle, John | Private | B | |
Riflemaker, Jacob | Private | H | |
Rigdon, James E. | Private | H | |
Rigdon, John | Private | G | |
Rigdon, John F. | Private | A | |
Rigg, David | Private | F | |
Ringo, Robert G. | Captain | A | |
Roberson, John W. | Private | K | |
Roberst, David E. | Sergeant | D | |
Roberts, David E. | Com. Sergeant | Staff | |
Robertson, John H. | Corporal | A | |
Robertson, William | Private | L | |
Robey, Thomas | Private | B | |
Robison, Louis | Private | F | |
Robson, John | Private | B | |
Rogers, Charles S. | Captain | B | |
Rogers, John | Saddler | B | |
Rogers, John G. | Captain | D | |
Rogers, Joseph W. | Private | B | |
Rominens, Abner | Private | E | |
Rose, Emery | Saddler | A | |
Ross, George W. | Private | C | |
Ross, Silas | Private | L | |
Rounds, James | Private | F | |
Royse, John W. | Corporal | L | |
Royse, John W. | Private | A | |
Ruark, Sylvester | Private | G | |
Ruggles, James M. | Corporal | I | |
Ruggless, Jesse H. | Private | G | |
Russell, Charles W. | Sergeant | K | |
Russell, John D. | Captain | K | |
Rutan, Abraham | Private | C | |
Ryan, James | Private | A |